Friday, July 29, 2011

The Power of Corruption

God has given us free will, through Jesus. Because of his crucifixion, we stand together living our lives freely as we choose, a way of life to live in the life of Jesus, our Lord and savior.
I was given a thought in the middle of the night. As I thoughtlessly started to pray, my mind begins to speak words of a simple thought. A simple prayer, The Power of Corruption.
    What stops us from doing things that we know we would regret in the future. No matter where we go, we see so many mindless Temptations. Rather it would be Lust, Judgment, Hatred, Happiness, Laughter, ext. We decide rather we want to be corrupted by the darkness or the Light, that was put in to our minds, and into our heart. You take interest of that temptation, that temptation enters into the mind, then step in the Corruption, now corrupted your heart, rather to be good or bad Corruption.
   When something that is filled with complete darkness, and the light seems so distant away. The light is always going to break through that darkness.Even when you are blind, you may choose to see everything in light, instead of that darkness that Corrupted your sight. You are in a dark room, you as well see light. Not always you will see light through your eyes, but through your heart. Having faith and Hope that light will corrupt that darkness when the next day light comes.
   When your life is filled with endless pain, temptation, you start to drift away from the light that you may or may not have known. But its always been in front of you, may not been by sight, but been in your heart. As God and Jesus is waiting to take your hand and present you with salvation. As the Holy Spirit, surrounds you with the Shield of Light. With the acceptance of Jesus, whom died for us on the cross, as our Lord and Savior. Where are we when we step in to Corruption, Dark or Light? Who's hand do we take? Whom do we pray for?  God is always waiting for us, he smiles upon us. We always had Faith that the sun will break through the dark Horizon. Then we should have Faith that God can break through the darkness that lies in our hearts.

   Father God, I pray that we walk each day with your light shining through us. Giving us a Gift of life that we cherish. You are an AMAZING God. I pray for healing to those who seek help, the answer in their life. To those who are lost in their Corruption of Darkness, that they would see a light in that Corruption. That we ask for forgiveness. Repenting our sins, with the Blood of Jesus, with wash away from our sins. The sacrifice of Jesus's Crucifixion, that we are free from the burdens that pulls us down from standing up. You saved us from being condemned, from judged, from hated, by those we share the earth with. You only, THE I AM, to judge, to give us endless Love. We shall live in your word. In the name Christ Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:16-18

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