Friday, June 24, 2011

The Power of Word and Thought

Us today, we get stuck on one or several of thoughts, little do we realize that those thoughts make a difference in our daily lives. I have an older brother. when i was younger, i would be bossy, lazy, and very demanding and sometimes i would take advantages over
my brother, but what other sibling don't do that??? Younger we hated each other, fight all the time, but we got older and mature we start understanding and thinking about what we say versus what we say when we are younger. me and my older brother, we are like best friends, we talk bout almost anything. Because our relationship is so tight is because we don't hold on the negative and hurtful thoughts. every time we would fight, after awhile we would think and come back and apologize, and move on to a brand new day.
Little do we know that the power of our minds and our thoughts can do unimaginable difference in the way we look, feel, think about certain things. Our actions are based on our thoughts. But God plants an idea,  and its up to us of we would react to that particular idea, rather it be a negative action or a positive action. But all of Gods work is for the best. The power of SPEAKING and our ACTIONS of our WORDS are greater than our THOUGHTS. But it's always the best idea to think we act, hahahha :D.
1 Samuel 2:3
“Talk no more so very proudly;Let no arrogance come from your mouth, For the LORD is the God of knowledge; And by Him actions are weighed.

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